
Bridgeton Public Library Wins NJ State Library Book Giveaway Contest

                                              Bridgeton Public Library 

Library Contact: Terri Carpenter,
150 E. Commerce St. Children’s Services
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
(856) 451-2620

February 12, 2014                                                                    For immediate release:

             Bridgeton Public Library Wins  NJ State Library Book Giveaway Contest

The Bridgeton Public Library was one of two public libraries in the state to win the New Jersey State Library’s Book Giveaway Contest for Teen Read Week! As one of the chosen winners, the Bridgeton Library received two hundred and nine books to add to its Teen Section!

The books, which were published in 2012 for ages 12-18, were originally received by Sharon Rawlins, Youth Services Coordinator for the NJ State Library, while serving on YALSA’s 2013 Michael L. Printz Committee. 

Applicants were invited to submit a short application describing why they felt their library should win the books, and how winning would help them better serve their teen populations. The selection of two public libraries and two middle and two high school libraries by independent judges was based on their answers to this question.

These much needed books will be used to bolster the library’s Young Adult book collection, with any duplicates used as incentives in many of the teen programs held at the library.