

                                    Media Release
CONTACT:                                                                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Chief Mark Ott.
Bridgeton Police Dept.
(856) 451-0033


In what officials acknowledge could be a danger hiding in plain sight, the issue of disposing of unused or unwanted prescriptions has been front and center recently; prompting Bridgeton Mayor Albert Kelly and Police Chief Mark Ott to set up a way for residents to dispose of these medications.

“Chief Ott and I have talked about the dangers of unused medicines in the home getting into the wrong hands and the potential for misuse or abuse. Whether it’s taking expired medicine, taking the wrong medicine, or someone stealing narcotic pain medicines; we need to deal with it” said Kelly.

That need translates into a program that allows anyone with unused or unwanted prescription medications to come to the Bridgeton Police Department dispatch window, located at the Police & Municipal Court  Complex at 330 Fayette Street, and tell the desk officer they have unused or unwanted medications to drop off.

According to Ott, the only question that will be asked is whether the medication is a liquid or not because liquid medications cannot be accepted for disposal at the current time.

“The desk officer will supply you with a sealing plastic envelope in which you drop the medication (pills, powders, capsules, etc.), minus any container or pill bottles.  You will be asked to seal the bag and return it to the desk officer, that’s all there is to the process” said Ott. “From there, the medications will be properly disposed of” Ott added.

According to Kelly, the issue of dealing with narcotic pain medications in particular is critical; “Today, we have a growing epidemic of abusing narcotic pain medication in this country and its destroying lives, that’s why providing people with a quick and safe way to dispose of these medicines is important.” Kelly said

Ott, echoing Kelly added, “The people of Bridgeton should know that the Bridgeton Police Department is committed to keeping residents and children safe from the risks presented by storing unused or unwanted prescription drugs in the home” said Ott.                                                                     

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